Sardines: the Superfood That Can Extend Your Dog’s Life

Sardines: the Superfood That Can Extend Your Dog’s Life

The Superfood Secret that Promotes Canine Longevity

Add this longevity topper to your dog’s dinner, recommends Dr. Karen Becker, author of The Forever Dog. This food secret comes from the world’s longest-lived people, the centenarians of the “Blue Zone” island of Sardinia. Sardines are one of the staple fish regularly consumed there.

Sardines are packed with Omega-3s and vitamin D, both of which are cancer preventatives.

Sardines are also incredibly nutrient-dense and a rich source of selenium, which promotes thyroid health and helps neutralize free radicals, protecting the organs from damage.

Not only that, but sardines are an incredible source of CoQ10, a powerhouse coenzyme renowned for its antioxidant properties and a favourite supplement of longevity scientists.

Multiple studies show that CoQ10 can increase your dog’s lifespan by protecting mitochondria from damage and increasing cellular energy.

Feeding Instructions: Give one sardine for every 20 pounds of body weight, 2-3 times per week. Buy sardines packed in water or fresh if you can find them! (Avoid farmed fish).

Life on White/Bigstock

Sardines are also an excellent source of vitamin B-12, supporting healthy methylation and nerve function.

Sardines also supply a rich food-based source of vitamin D. Dogs must consume vitamin D in their diet for overall health because, unlike us, dogs can’t make vitamin D from sunlight!

Sardines supply the lowest levels of mercury and the highest levels of EPA and DHA of any fish. These essential fatty acids decrease inflammation and promote healthy skin function in dogs. Human studies involving hundreds of thousands of participants eating sardines twice a week found consumption reduces the risk of dying from heart disease by 36%, notes Dr. Becker. Dr. Aleix Sala-Vila’s research group concluded regular consumption may increase life expectancy in humans by five years.

Sardines are also sustainable and have low levels of contamination compared to other fish. Plus, dogs love them!

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