Do I Need to Clean My Dog’s Ears?

Do I Need to Clean My Dog’s Ears?

Wondering which dogs need their ears cleaned? Read on to find out in this guide to when and how to clean your dog’s ears

First off, do your dog’s ears really need cleaning?

Healthy dog ears shouldn’t need cleaning. It’s normal for your dog’s inner ear to have a bit of wax—it traps dirt or foreign particles, preventing them from getting further into the ear canal and the eardrum. But sometimes dog ears need a bit of help. Some breeds are prone to ear problems. Floppy-eared breeds such as Basset Hounds and Cocker Spaniels can need more regular ear cleaning as they can be more prone to ear infections.

Signs Your Dog’s Ears Need to Be Cleaned
If you see a bit of wax in your dog’s ear, leave it alone so as not to disturb the natural microbiome balance in the ear. But if you see any of these signs, something likely needs addressing. The following could indicate a build-up of wax or an infection:

•Smelly ears

•Pawing, rubbing or scratching at ears

•Ears that feel hot when touched

•Head shaking or tilting

•Waxy discharge

•Irritated (red or scabby) ear flap

Healthy, clean dog ears should be pink and odourless.

Types of Ear Infections in Dogs

BACTERIAL INFECTION Signs of a bacterial infection in your dog’s ears include a bad smell and yellow or greenish discharge.

YEAST OVERGROWTH Yeast is natural in healthy ears, but if the balance is upset, it can cause a yeast infection. Signs include red or brown waxy discharge and a cheesy or musty smell.

EAR MITES Ear mites are a very contagious type of mange. Signs include a “coffee ground” discharge, shaking of the head, and scratching at ears.

How To Clean Your Dog’s Ears

Look for an ear-cleaning solution that doesn’t strip away natural bacteria, such as Zymox Advanced Enzymatic Ear Wipes ($17, ). The unique fermented coconut oil formula, combined with aloe vera, colloidal oatmeal, and hypoallergenic plant-based ingredients, gently removes ear wax, dirt, and debris. You can also use a bit of witch hazel. Dampen the cotton balls or a soft cloth with the ear-cleaning solution and gently wipe the ear flap. Don’t touch anything beyond the outer folds, as that could damage your dog’s ear. Never use a Q-tip.

Home Remedy for Minor Irritation of Your Dog’s Ears

Apple cider vinegar is an easy home remedy that helps fight yeast or bacterial infections in your dog’s ears by helping to correct the pH level.

  • Mix 1 cup of water with 2 Tbsp of apple cider vinegar. Use this to wipe out debris in the outer part of your dog’s ear. (Never pour into your dog’s ear!)
  • If your dog has more than minor irritation, please see your vet. Serious ear infection can result in hearing loss.

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