How to stop dog farts in their tracks
Dog farts. They’re (usually) a normal, if stinky, part of everyday life with a dog. A bit of daily gas is nothing to worry about but if your dog is continually dropping stink bombs, it warrants looking into further.
Why does my dog have a lot of gas?
Dogs have gas for a number of reasons. Your dog may eat too fast and swallow air, or your dog may be eating foods that disagree with him. Anything spoiled is a sure culprit, but lactose found in milk, bread, beans, and soya products, such as thickeners used in some dog foods, can all be the problem.
The most likely cause is a change in diet or dietary indiscretion (your dog eating something ‘off’). If the problem is chronic, the issue is usually a diet that is poorly digested by your dog.
What causes the bad smell?
The noxious smell is caused by the bacteria in the gut producing a sulfur gas during digestion. Foods with high sulfur composition, such as milk, red meat, or plant-based proteins are most likely to cause this.
Is it normal for dogs to fart a lot?
All dogs fart, but if your dog is having trouble digesting his food, you can end up with a gassier-than-normal pup. Some gas each day is totally normal but if your dog routinely clears the room, get to the bottom of the cause.
Swallowing a lot of air when eating and drinking can contribute to flatulence. Dogs that speed-eat or are short-nosed (brachycephalic) breeds, including Bulldogs, Pugs, and Boston Terriers, are especially prone to swallowing air, which finds its way out via farting.
Is it a recent development? If your dog has diarrhea and/or blood in his stool, the gas can usually be attributed to dietary indiscretion. (Keep the garbage under lock and key and watch your dog closely on walks if they’re prone to scarfing whatever they encounter. Feed a plain diet of boiled chicken and rice for a few days while your dog is recovering.) However, several health conditions can cause G.I. problems in dogs, including canine colitis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal parasites, cancer, and pancreatitis.
If you suspect it could be diet related, try slowly switching your dog’s food. Look for a food labelled as highly digestible or designed for sensitive stomachs. Avoid those containing harder-to-digest ingredients such as peas, beans, dairy, and high fiber.
Is a single ingredient the bad actor? In order to determine if a food allergy or a food intolerance is at play, you may need to put your dog on an elimination diet to figure out the culprit.
What home remedy can I give my dog for gas?

If your dog bolts her food, use a food puzzle or slow-feeder dish that will slow down your dog’s eating, and thus the amount of air swallowed. We like the Zippy Paws Happy Bowl slow feeding bowls, available in adorable Pineapple and Donut designs. ($10)

Steer clear of fart-causing foods. Some foods that are safe and healthy treats for your dog can still cause gas. We’re looking at you, cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. If your dog is prone to gas, limit servings. Bernie’s Perfect Poop digestive supplement has natural fibres, enzymes, prebiotics, and probiotics to support your pup’s digestive health. (from $12)

Natural digestive aids like goat milk, ginger, yogurt, and probiotic supplements can help gassy pets. Good bacteria = a happy gut! Raw Goat Milk from Primal Pet Foods is not only extremely nutrient-rich, it’s blend of three beneficial microorganisms deliver five billion CFUs per ounce, plus is has added probiotics for even more digestive support! (from $7)