Easy techniques you can use at home to improve your dog’s overall wellness
Canine massage therapy has very real benefits, from improving circulation to aiding recovery. You can harness these perks through simple massage techniques you can do at home.
“Our dogs love physical connection with us through touch,” says Tracy Vroom, Executive Director and Instructor at the Rocky Mountain School of Animal Acupressure and Massage. “An easy way to do a massage for dogs is by using flat-handed strokes starting at your dog’s neck and gliding to the tail. The pressure is light and the tempo is slow. This stroke can be used all over their body to ease tension and increase circulation.” Secondary perks include a shinier coat and an opportunity to check in with your dog. “Doing this on a regular basis can also help you track changes in your dog’s body like lumps or sensitive areas that may need to be looked at by your veterinarian,” says Vroom. “One of our favourite benefits of massaging our dogs is how it connects us with them in a deeper way emotionally. Watch out though, they may begin to demand it!”
“An easy way to do a massage for dogs is by using flat-handed strokes starting at your dog’s neck and gliding to the tail. The pressure is light and the tempo is slow. This stroke can be used all over their body to ease tension and increase circulation.”

Ear Work: How to Give Your Dog an Ear Massage
Another effective stroke is ear work. Gentle soft, slow strokes from the base of the ear to the tip can be amazing for relaxing them and supports their digestive tract. The ear is considered a map of the body from an acupressure standpoint, so we can help overall health and balance by doing this on a regular basis.
- Improves physical wellbeing by improving circulation
- Helps them move more easily
- Reduces stress
- Relaxes tight muscles
- Helps support the healing process
- Strengthens the immune system
- Improves digestion
- Reduces and prevents injuries
- Improves performance & recovery time
Interested in a career in Canine Therapeutic Massage?
The Rocky Mountain School of Animal Acupressure and Massage offers both in-person and correspondence courses through four campuses in Colorado.

Editor’s Pick: A Calming Massage Oil for Pets
Pet-Tek’s Calming Massage & Aromatherapy Oil is formulated especially for pets. Diluted, dog-safe, organic, therapeutic-grade essential oils, like chamomile, ginger, jasmine, and lavender, are paired with fractionated coconut oil for a relaxing, dreamy massage session.($21)